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Miss Mission International 2022

Estefany Ariza

Estefany currently resides in Texas. From the moment she was crowned our new Miss Mission International she had a clear set plan for her year.


As part of her reign, she'd like to exalt the following.


1: Colombian Ecotourism

2: Elderly Support

3: Befriending your brokenness (OWN Platform)

4: Supporting her Teen/Elite sister queens.


She Created Befriending your Brokenness because she thinks the darkest moments of a humans’ life shape the most beautiful moments of their life. We as human’s endure so much pain, loss, grieve, and moments of darkness where we sometimes question our existence. But it is when we rise above those moments, we realize how powerful and beautiful each of us is. "Befriending your Brokenness" allows for the raw and real moments of a human life, in its many stages, an open forum for people to share their own experiences and for those who are needing the support to get through these moments to find the support and to know they don’t have to do life alone. We are a human species meant to love and support each other.


She is working on finalizing her website where personal and professional social media, podcasts, and collaborations with others to also share their moments, for the world that needs light.



As climate change continues to be an issue to our world, causing more and more natural disasters. Estefany wants to showcase the beauty of Colombia by showcasing its natural tourism, raising awareness that if we don’t all act as a collective to support our planet earth, we might not have that beauty for generations to come.


Many times, in life, mostly in western culture, elderly is forgotten or put aside in homes and left alone. Becoming an elder is a part of life, so why not bring light and joy to this chapter of a human’s life. Estefany plans on supporting organizations, attending nursing homes, and even creating her own platform for this. With the support of the organization to identify places where this lack of awareness is not there.


Follow her journey @missmissioninternational

Estefany's Appearances & Community Service Work


On September 30th 2022, joined the Colombian Consulate to assist with Elders Bingo.

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